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Welcome to
College Prep Middle  School

We are delighted that you wish for your child to attend College Prep. The Student/Parent Handbook is designed to answer many frequently asked questions that families and students may have. If you should need any further clarification about our programs or procedures, please feel free to contact the Main Office: 619-303-2782


All applicants from the open enrollment period become members of the School's applicant pool. If more people apply for admission to a specific grade level than can be admitted to that grade level, a lottery shall be held for all applicants. Applicants will be admitted via public random lottery in the order their names are drawn from the applicant pool. After capacity has been reached for that grade level, names shall be placed on a waitlist, again in the order they are drawn from the applicant pool.


If more students apply (at a specific grade level) than can be admitted, priority for admissions shall be assigned in the following order as adopted by the SBE:

  • Currently attending CPMS students;

  • Siblings of currently attending CPMS students;

  • Students who are currently enrolled in or who reside in the elementary school attendance area of the Public elementary school(s) in which CPMS is located;

  • Pupils who reside in the District;

  • Children or wards of CPMS Employees, limited to 10% of the charter school's total enrollment;

  • All other students as permitted by law.


Applications submitted after the lottery window will be placed on the waitlist (per grade) based upon submission date/time. As space becomes available during a school year, the School will contact the applicant with the highest rank on the applicant waitlist.  In the absence of an affirmative or timely response, the School will eliminate the applicant from the pool and proceed to the next eligible applicant. All waitlists extinguish annually at the end of the School's formal academic year, or as otherwise determined by the CPMS Corporate Board of Trustees. (CPMS shall be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations, shall not charge tuition, and shall not discriminate against any pupil on the basis of the characteristics, whether actual or perceived, as listed in Education Code section 220, including, but not necessarily limited to the following: disability, gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, association with a person or group with one or more of the above actual or perceived characteristics.) [Ref. California Education Code §47605(d)(1)]


We look forward to having you and your child be part of College Prep and excitedly anticipate a year full of knowledge, fun and success. So, get ready to earn your stripes and become a College Prep Tiger!

CPMS Handbook

To request more information


Contact the Main Office

Mon-Thurs 7:30 am - 4 pm

Fri 7:30 am - 3 pm


(619) 303-2782

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